When you hear about an upcoming storm, your first instinct may be to worry. How can I make sure my kids are safe? Is the electricity going to go out? What should I do? This anxiety is totally common, especially if there is a potential for flooding. However, you can be proactive to help control your worries.

Preparing for a flood is the best thing you can do to ensure your family and home are safe. Whether you live in a flood-prone area or your local weatherman anticipates storms, it does not hurt to be prepared. Consider the tips below in order to get ready for a flood. When you are prepared, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Protecting Yourself: Food, Water, And Other Necessities

Before you run to the store and fill your cart with so-called necessities, take a moment to make a list. Yes, there are quite a few items you need in times of a flood. But making a shopping list will ensure you get items that will benefit you, and you can cut down on your time in the store. If you do not already have them, buy the following items:

  • Non-perishable food.

  • Several gallons of clean water.

  • Personal care items and medications.

  • Waterproof clothing and rain boots.

  • Flashlights, radios, and lanterns with spare batteries.

  • A charged cell phone.

  • Phone numbers for emergency services.

Protecting Your Home: Prepping Your Home's Exterior

  • Purchase and place sandbags along the outside of your home near the walls and doors. These will help re-route water away from your property. You may also want to put plastic tarps beneath sandbags for extra protection.

  • Thoroughly clean out gutters and drains. Check them for any blockages, and make sure they are secured in place. This can help reduce the amount of water that floods your property.

What To Do After The Flooding Stops

When the storming and flooding have fully stopped, you can cautiously look around the inside and outside of your home. Check for any water damage, standing water, and other similar issues. Take pictures of anything that has been damaged by a storm; you may use these for insurance purposes.

Make sure to contact a water removal company as soon as you can. The quicker you get rid of standing water and treat water damage, the less severe the damage may be. Mold can grow rapidly and destroy your home and possessions. Acting promptly is important after a flood occurs.   
